Filters for medical use
Filters can improve the visual experience for people with low vision
Filters can be used in cases of visual impairment or when neuro-visual problems occur in conjunction with brain trauma, fatigue syndrome or migraine.
Relieves photosensitivity and improves visual acuity
For many decades, the classic filter colours – bright yellow, orange and red – have been used for people with eye disease, but now, the milder pink, purple, green and blue comfort-enhancing filters are used as well. People with neuro-visual problems often prefer these mild and calming filter colours.
ML Filters are often used for the following diagnoses
• Macular Degeneration • Opticus Atrophy • Glaucoma • Diabetic Retinopathy • Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) • Achromatopsia • Neuro-visual problems
Filter for visual impairment
Make the most of the remaining vision
Reduce disturbing light
People with reduced vision need good lighting, but at the same time, bright light can be perceived as troublesome. Not least, the energy-rich blue light can cause discomfort in light-sensitive eyes.
By cutting off the unwanted light with a filter, the light as a whole becomes less troublesome.
Protection against blue light
There are indications that short-wave blue light in excessive amounts can cause damage to the eyes. For people who already have a visual impairment, and must be careful with their remaining visual capacity, filters are a way to protect the eyes against further damage.
In addition, filters often increase visual comfort for these patients.
Eyelid twitching usually goes away without any treatment. But people with benign essential blepharospasm can develop severe and long-term eyelid twitching. Scientific evidence states that the pink ML41 filter has a positive effect on the visual function of people with blepharospasm¹. ¹ Effect of pink filter glass on visual function in Benign Essential Blepharospasm (Mårtensson 2017)
Neuro-visual problems
Relief for people with neuro-visual problems
Many people who have had a concussion or stroke, or suffer from fatigue syndrome or post-covid, experience brain fatigue and visual disturbances. Others suffer from neurological diseases such as migraines.
These people don’t need better contrast and more visual impressions but calm and tranquillity.
Calming effect
People who want to calm their overheated brains often appreciate a relieving filter that dims the light at certain wavelengths. Which light that feels disturbing is highly individual – as is the customer’s experience of filters. Therefore, studies on filters are often based on the person’s subjective improvement².
²Vanessa Fimreite, Kevin T. Willeford, Kenneth J. Ciuffreda (2016): Effect of chromatic filters on visual performance in individuals with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) – Journal of Optometry (2016) 9, 231-239
Be inspired by case descriptions
Are you curious about filters but think it seems complicated? Are you looking for examples of how filters can be used for various visual impairments? Or do you want more evidence that they actually work? Order our booklet with case descriptions! We cannot promise a specific effect for an individual patient, but these case descriptions can give you valuable guidance. Article number 99072SV
Contact us for advice
Filters for medical use often require deeper analysis and a special interest in patients with reduced vision. Some of these patients are registered at a vision centre, but others need help from a private practitioner. If you already see this type of customer – or want to start, feel free to contact your local Multilens representative or us centrally for support.